Thursday, December 11, 2014

Unit 1 Choice 3

This week I studied the words of Hebrews 13.  There are some great lessons there for me.

How we should treat strangers and those in bonds-
We should be kind to strangers but we might be entertaining angels.  We should treat those we don't know and those in bonds with more than just politeness.  We should try to put ourselves in their shoes and empathize with them.

How is marriage looked on-
Marriage is an honorable thing.  Even thought in the world marriage is considered disposable and unnecessary, the Lord does not see it this way.

What warnings are given about covetousness
We should not covet.  This is interesting because it refers to being covetous in conversation.  We should not wish we have what someone else has.  We should be grateful for all that we already have.  Such a great lesson to replace covet with gratitude!

What is the same yesterday, today and forever
The Lord is the same from the beginning and never ending.  We can count on Him to be steadfast and never waver.  His ways are sure and we can always count on them.  This puts me on solid footing if I follow Him.

How are we sanctified
We are sanctified through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Each Sunday as we worthily partake of the sacrament we can be cleansed again and be pure.

How do we respond to those who rule over us
Obey them for they watch for your souls. I think of this with our prophet and the words that he has for us.  He loves us and is watching over our souls.   I love this scripture and will use it in relation to visiting teaching as well.  

Who did Paul ask the people to pray for
He asks the people to pray for the prophet and apostles.  What a humble man to ask for this.

Anyone who would argue any of these points should refer to verse 8.  The Lord is the same always!  His ways to not get out-dated or old fashioned.  They are solid and enduring.

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