Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Issues with answers in Philippians

Petty Matters:

Some times members of the church get involved over matters that are insignificant.  They gossip, disagree, complain or argue over these things.  In Philippians we have some answers to help us understand the Lord's will.  Paul tells us that we should be like-minded, of one accord and of one mind.  That doesn't mean we always have to agree but it does mean that we need to cooperate, be kind and Christ-like with each other.  Sometimes we just need to take the high road and not do battle over insignificant things.

Joseph F Smith said; "Whatever creates a discord in the spirit and unity of the Saints is of evil origin. The Spirit of God never begets strife, nor does it set up and insist on distinctions among those who have been its recipients."

 (Gospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith, compiled by John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1939], 115

Standing on the Testimony of my Parents:

Paul teaches in Philippians 2:12 that we need to individually work out our own salvation.  I only wish I could work out the salvation for each of my children but if that were the case, they would not learn and grow.  Just as the Father sent us to earth to reach our potential, parents have to allow their children to make choices, suffer consequences and work out their own salvation.  For a period of time a child can rely on their parent's testimony but there comes the time when they have to stand on their own testimony.  When they take those first steps, it might be shaky but they will get stronger every time they walk on their own.  
 In verse 13 we learn that God is doing a work within each of us and when we do our part too, great things can happen.  The Lord is ready and waiting to help us reach our potential as long as we are willing to our share of the work.  

Investigating the Church Without Family Support

There are many people who are interested in the church but stop their progress because their family is against it.  I have had this happen to a friend of mine.  He was very interested in the church because of the example of members that he knew.  He started learning about it and was so excited to become part of it.  Then his parents found out and they were not happy.  They did all they could to stop his learning and he, being a very respectful child, felt the pressure to stop meeting with the missionaries.  I hope that someday he will have the strength to move forward and trust in the Lord  In Philippians 4:13 it tells people in this situation that they can find the strength in the Lord to do the things they know are right.  And the way to get through a situation like this is to:  "Seek the Lord and his strength ... continually" (1 Chr. 16:11)

This Writing Assignment

"aAngels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, bfeast upon the cwords of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will dtell you all things what ye should do"   2 Nephi 32:3

 This writing assignment and all the reading assignments give me the opportunity to feast on the words of Christ.  I love the last part of this scriptures because of the word "ALL".  The words of Christ can tell us what to do in all situations.  The Lord doesn't only deal in the spiritual things but also in temporal things as well.  We can find help from His words in the scriptures for any part of our lives.

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