Tuesday, November 11, 2014

1 Thes Chp 5

Paul was such an awesome missionary.  After he left an area, he continued to write and check on the members.  That is what you read in 1 Thessalonians.  I wanted to write about Chapter 5 because it relates to a conversation that I had recently with a nonmember friend of mine.  Paul was talking to the members about the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.  It is so interesting that people have been waiting for this event for so many years!!  Here are some of the things that stood out to me about what Paul said:

Christ will come as a thief in the night.  However, Paul tells them that they are not in the dark.
We shouldn't sleep, as others do, but keep watch.
Whether we are living or dead, we will be able to live with Christ again.
Comfort one another and teach one another.

I also love when they give lists in the scriptures.  I am a list person and so I look for those lists.  Paul gives us a nice list of things that we should do and take note of the first thing he mentions:

REJOICE Evermore
Pray without ceasing
Be grateful
Don't quench the Spirit
Despise not the prophesies
Prove all things
Hold fast to good things
Abstain the appearance of evil

My friend and I were discussing how the world is not taking notice of the signs that the 2nd Coming is so close.  She is so excited for it to come and is truly rejoicing at seeing her Savior.  She is such an inspiration to me in how she knows and loves her Savior.

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