Thursday, November 20, 2014

How to deal with Paul and Timothy

Unit 2 Choice 2
How did Paul and Timothy avoid despair despite being troubled, perplexed, persecuted and cast down?? We find the answer in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 and 4:5-17.   Their example touched me and helped me to have a better perspective.  Paul says that they had suffered "light afflictions".  Those "light afflictions" were things like being beaten, stoned, shipwrecked and put in prison.  Wow - I don't consider any of those things light by any means!

Paul talked about the mercies of the Lord and that He comforted them in ALL tribulations.  And he comforted them so that they could comfort others.  To me this means that they can understand the suffering of others and by their experience can offer comfort to others who are struggling.  So your trials aren't just for you but to help others.  They talked about how they preach the gospel for Christ's sake and they carry the light of Christ in their hearts.  They remember the resurrection and the gift that was given by the  Savior and that helps them remember that life is eternal and these things are just for a short time.  In chapter 4 verse 11 they say that they are willing to die for His sake.  Another thing that helps them avoid despair while they are suffering is to remember that their afflictions are nothing compared to the Lord's eternal plan.  They are helping that come about and that is bigger than anything they would suffer.

You can tell that they truly understand and have a testimony of the Plan of Salvation.  They understand that this life is short and that what comes after this life is much more important.  They understand the sacrifice and suffering that Christ went through and the gift of the resurrection.

This ties in well with what Brigham Young said.  "Every trial and experience you have passed through is necessary for your salvation."

Like I said......a whole new perspective.

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