Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Unit 1 Choice 5

1 Corinthians 10

Posted on Friday, June 1st, 2007 @ 14:28 by Walter Jeffries

Jesus Christ is referred to as "The Rock" in the scriptures.  Rocks are strong and solid.  If the wind blows hard rocks don't move.  When we build a house we build it on strong rocks.  Rocks make good, sturdy foundations to build on.   I think these properties apply very well to Christ and how can be in our lives.  He is solid and a great foundation to build on.  When the wind storms of the world are flying, His gospel does not move and sway with the wind.  We can count on it to be the same always.

In 1 Corinthians 10 Paul warned the saints about temptations they needed to avoid:
lust after evil
worship idols
spend their time eating and playing and not doing things that are eternal or matter
brake the law of chastity
tempt Christ

When I read through these verses looking for the things that Paul listed, all of these things could apply to the time that we live in.  So many people lust after people and things in this world.  There are also so many idols such as; money, cars, work, and many others.  They may not be a gold statue but there are many idols being worshiped on the earth at this time.  Many people in the world today spend their time worshiping those idols and they aren't doing things that really matter.  They are not adding to their treasure chest in Heaven.  The Law of Chastity is something that a good portion of the world has broken and they see nothing wrong with it.  There are those that do tempt Christ.  They know what they are doing is wrong, yet they want to see how far they can go or simply think that He will forgive any sin.  Murmuring is a form of ingratitude and I have been guilty of that sin.

In 1 Corinthians 10:13 we are given a reassuring promise that tells us that we will only be given temptations that we can handle.  The Lord knows each of us and knows what we can handle.  That still doesn't mean that it will be easy to avoid those temptations but knowing that I have it within me to rise above the temptations is very reassuring.

Alma 13:28 adds to this verse in Corinthians when it tells me exactly what to do in order to stay strong against temptations.  I need to pray continually and keep watch.  This verse also tells me the kind of person that I need to be and the characteristics that will help me overcome.  I need to be humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and long suffering.

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