Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Unit 2 Choice 6 - First Student Choice Assignment

1 Thess 3:12-13; 4:1-12; 5:1-22, 2 Thess 3:106; 11

Attributes that Paul counseled the members to improve on.

Increase love to one another
Keep His commandments
Keep the Law of Chastity
Be honest with your fellow man
Be holy
Love one another
Be self sufficient
Be diligent
Don't worry about the 2nd Coming, just keep watch
Put on the Armor of God
Listen to your leaders and love them for what they do for you
Take care of one another
Be patient with each other
Be grateful
Listen to the Spirit
Listen to the prophesies
Prove all things
Hold on to good things
Stay away from the appearance of evil
Pray for the leaders of the church
Stay away from those who might draw you away from the Lord
Don't gossip

I could really improve on all things on this list but I will choose the following:

Put on the Armor of God:  I think I do pretty well at putting on my armor everyday but I need to inspect my armor on a regular basis.  I need to spend more time in considering what I need to improve on and how I can be doing more to increase my spirituality.  One of the things that I will do is add a question to my daily journal; how is my armor today?

Hold on to good things:  We have some traditions in our family and just because it is a tradition does not mean that it is good.  Those things are so hard to get rid of!  One of them that really bugs me is watching football on Sunday.  I may have to disconnect the satellite but I really want to change this family tradition.

Pray for the leaders of the church:  I have never been a person who does this very often.  As I have served in a stake calling, it has become something that I know really helps me.  I can tell when I have the support and prayers of the sisters.  I want to include prayers for my local, stake and general church leadership on a regular basis.

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